Im Januar, Februar und eventuell sogar März wird es mal wieder darum gehen, den Horizont zu erweitern: Wir sprechen über "neue Programmiersprachen", vor allem über Sprachen, die in Feldern eingesetzt werden, in denen auch Ruby zum Einsatz kommt.



Go - a practical introduction

I will show what it is like to work on a go service which runs in a SOA-like environment covering:

  • net/http (client and server)
  • io (stream processing)
  • encoding/json
  • goroutines (concurrency)
  • testing
  • templating (html/template, ego)
  • tooling

Not intended to be a theoretical "these are the concepts and building blocks of go" kind of talk.


It's just a gut feeling, but I think Elixir could be one of the next big things in technology. It's build on top of battle-proven technology (Erlang) by people with Ruby spirit (Rails-core-committer Jose Valim started it and the project is sponsored by Platformatec). I'm pretty certain that Rubyists will love Elixir .... eventually.

Programming with Erlang/Elixir is quite different though to traditional programming. It has definitely its learning curve.

I will give a sneek-peak intro to Elixir and depending on how much time we've got, I will also try to share a bit of our experience with Elixir at XING. We've got a small Elixir application running in production for 3 months now. Getting it there was more challenging than we initially thought :-)

Participantes: (25)

Peter Schröder
Eventos: 82
Temas: 12

Thomas Jachmann
Eventos: 59
Temas: 0

Eventos: 16
Temas: 0

Klaus Trainer
Eventos: 26
Temas: 3

Alex Mekhovov
Eventos: 18
Temas: 0

Eventos: 40
Temas: 2

Eventos: 8
Temas: 0

Andreas Litt
Eventos: 27
Temas: 0

Ben Rexin
Eventos: 66
Temas: 6


Joschka Schulz
Eventos: 45
Temas: 3

Peter Golm
Eventos: 23
Temas: 0

Tim Schurig
Eventos: 9
Temas: 0

Björn Rochel
Eventos: 2
Temas: 1

Stefan Bauckmeier
Eventos: 57
Temas: 2

Robin Brandt
Eventos: 8
Temas: 0

Alexander Plavinski
Eventos: 1
Temas: 0

Lorenz Kitzmann
Eventos: 9
Temas: 0

Eventos: 38
Temas: 2

Mr. Ronald
Eventos: 1
Temas: 0

Matthias Männich
Eventos: 4
Temas: 0

Piet Brauer
Eventos: 1
Temas: 0

Eckhard von Rotte
Eventos: 15
Temas: 0

Tobias Schwab
Eventos: 13
Temas: 7

Ole Michaelis
Eventos: 10
Temas: 1

Michael Wagner
Eventos: 5
Temas: 0
