Ruby Usergroup Hamburg - August 2024
gehostet durch Joschka Schulz bei Sapiens Germany GmbH, 14.08.2024 um 19:00Moin Everyone 👋
You're welcome wherever you're from as long as you adhere to our Code of Conduct - the meetup is in English.
The current schedule is as follows:
- 1. Welcome
- 2. Talk
- 3. Hanging out (optional) :)
Some food 🍽 and drinks 🥛 will be available
See you there! Can't wait ✨
Irina, Jan and Joschka
For updates Watch this page or join our Discord
From XSL FO to Weasyprint - I do pdfs for a living
Even before starting at my first job generating pdfs was part of life. In this talk I will reflect on the different types of pdf I was generating at different companies, adding some pros and cons of the different approaches including:
Styling XML documents using XSLT and XSL FO draw a rectangle - generating package labels using prawn filling the gaps - using word documents and Sablon to create contract documents build a report - using erb and weasyprint to create a nicely formatted document
How to find the Next Gen Rubyists
(Some) insights from my research journey to Taiwan & Japan
Teilnehmerinnen und Teilnehmer (13)
Joschka Schulz
Treffen: 46
Themen: 3
Ben Rexin
Treffen: 67
Themen: 6
Judy Umbach
Treffen: 21
Themen: 0
Moritz Kröger
Treffen: 26
Themen: 0
Gianpiero Addis
Treffen: 6
Themen: 0
Lars Klindwordt
Treffen: 8
Themen: 0
Johannes Georg
Treffen: 9
Themen: 1
Sahra Paya
Treffen: 1
Themen: 0
Treffen: 1
Themen: 0
Jennifer Spry
Treffen: 21
Themen: 0
Karsten Senz
Treffen: 56
Themen: 1
Torben Baus
Treffen: 5
Themen: 0
Bente Pieck
Treffen: 24
Themen: 2